Sunday, September 28, 2008

Part 1 of a Beach Glass Commission

This is part I of a multi-piece commission that I am working on. This is the first time that I have ever taken a piece of beach glass and drilled it briolette style. This piece of glass is thick enough to allow the drilling to be done. I drilled it first on one side half-way, then came in from the other side half-way.

The wire work is adapted from a free tutorial by Eni Oken at

The pendant is then paired with a doubled leather cord with a wrapped clasp that matches the detail of the wire wrapped pendant detail.

One of the advantages of this method is that the cord itself serves as part of the clasp of the necklace. The other advantage is that it allows for interchangeable pendants. This is a technique that I evolved myself. I usually use thinner leather than what is used for single strand necklaces, for a better looking and hanging necklace.

This necklace is about 16 1/2" long.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I really love the wire work you do. It adds so much visual interest. Really intriguing with beach glass. The wire wrapping technique in particular really calls out to be touched, felt, by the hand. I imagine that I'd be fingering it a lot while wearing it - always a good thing; a kind of touch therapy. Hope the commissioner loved it.